XXVIII Esposizione Internazionale d’arte di Venezia, Venezia, 1956. Ph Cameraphoto, Venezia
1956 - 1958
Roma, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, VII Quadriennale d’Arte Nazionale, 11/1955 - 04/1956
Saint Louis, University Art Gallery, Contemporary Italian Art. Paintings, Drawing, Sculpture, 01/12 - 23/12/1955
New York, Schettini Gallery, Twentieth Century Italian Paintings, 01/1956
Perth, Art Gallery of Western Australia, Italian Art of the 20th Century. Art Club, 03 – 04/1956; itinerante: Adelaide, The National Gallery of South Australia, 05/1956 – 06/1956; Melbourne, The National Gallery of Victoria, 07/1956; Hobart, Tasmanian Museum & Art Gallery, 08 – 09/1956; Sydney, The National Gallery of New South Wales, 10/1956; Queensland, The Queensland National Art Gallery, 11 - 12/1956
Belmont, Lee Gallery, Contemporary Italian Art, 18/05 - 23/06/1956
London, Institute of Contemporary Art, Contemporary Venetian Artists. An exhibition of paintings, sculpture, drawings and mosaics, 30/05 - 30/06/1956
Venezia, Giardini di Castello e Arsenale, XXVIII Esposizione Biennale Internazionale d’Arte, 16/06 - 21/10/1956
Leverkusen, Städtisches Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Italienische Malerei Heute, 23/07 - 19/11/1956
Zagreb, Umjetnički paviljon, Suvremene talijanske likovne umjetnosti, 03/10 - 21/10/1956
New York, Museum of Modern Art, Recent European acquisitions, 28/11 - 20/01/1957
Paris, Musee d’Art Moderne, Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation Award for Italy 1956, 12/1956; itinerante: New York, Salomon Guggenheim Museum, 01/04 - 19/05/1957
New York, La Guardia Memorial House, Exhibition of Contemporary italian painting, 01/01 - 10/02/1957
Rio De Janeiro, Museu nacional de bellas artes, Exposicao de arte moderna italiana no museo nacional de bellas artes, 01/01/1957
Caracas, Museo de Bellas Artes, Diez años de pintura italiana por la Bienal de Venecia, 27/01 – 17/02/1957; itinerante: Bogotà, Museo Nacional, 07/03 – 21/03/1957; Santiago de Chile, Museo de arte italiano, 05/1957; Buenos Aires, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, 18/06 – 19/07/1957; Lima , Museo de arte italiano, 15/04 – 14/05/1957; Montevideo, Comisiòn Nacional de Bellas Artes, 14/10 – 31/10/1957; Concèption, Escuela del Periodismo, 25/07 – 31/07/1957; Rio De Janeiro, Museu de arte moderna, 19/11 – 04/12/1957; Lisboa, Palàcio Foz, 05/04 – 25/04/1958; Madrid, Museo de Arte Moderna, 19/05 - 05/06/1958
New York, The Brooklyn Museum, Trends in watercolors today, 09/04 - 26/05/1957
München, Haus der Kunst, Große Kunstausstellung München 1957 und Ausstellung italienischer Kunst von 1910 bis zur Gegenwart, 06/06 - 15/09/1957
Roma, Rome-New York Art Foundation, International, Lionello Venturi (a cura di), 15/07 - 25/11/1957
Berlin, Akademie der Künste - Hoschschule für Bildende Künste, Italienische Kunst im XX, 21/09 - 27/10/1957
Roma, Galleria La Salita, Alberto Burri, Ennio Morlotti, Emilio Vedova, 20/11/1957,
New York, Columbia University, Painting in Postwar in Italy: 1945-1957, 12/1957 - 01/1958
Warszawa, Ufficio centrale delle mostre d’arte, 50 Lat Malarstwa Weneckiego, 01/1958
La Chaux-de-Fonds, Musée des beaux-arts, Collection Cavellini, 18/01 - 02/03/1958
New York, The Casa italiana of Columbia University, An exhibition of Painting in Post-war Italy 1945-1957, 20/01 – 08/02/1958; itinerante: Washington DC, Corcoran Gallery of Art, 02 – 06/03/1958; Cleveland, Higbee Company, 21/04 - 11/05/1958; Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 02/06 – 22/06/1958; Syracuse, Syracuse University, 02/10 – 22/10/1958; Pasadena, Pasadena Art Museum, 07/10 – 16/11/1958; Utica, Munson-William-Proctor, 02/11- 23/11/1958; Louisville, J. B. Speed Art Museum, 04/12 - 30/12/1958; Columbus, Columbus Museum of Fine Arts&Crafts, 10/01 - 30/01/1959; Sacramento, A. B. Crocker, 01/04 – 22/04/1959; San Francisco, The San Francisco Museum of Art, 11/05 – 28/06/1959; Northfield, Carlton College, 05/10 - 25/10/1959
Basel, Kunsthalle, Sammlung Cavellini, 13/03 - 17/04/1958
Wien, Künstlerhaus , 50 Jahre. Venezianische Malerei, 04 - 05/1958
Roma, Galleria Nazionale D’Arte Moderna di Valle Giulia, Artisti tedeschi e italiani contemporanei, 96a Mostra dell’Art Club, 10/04 - 08/05/1958
Tunisi, Casinò municipale, Mostra d’arte contemporanea italiana, 12/05 - 20/05/1958
Roma, Rome-New York Art Foundation, New Trends in Italian art, Lionello Venturi (a cura di), 20/05 - 25/09/1958
København, Palazzo Charlottenborg, Moderne Italiansk Maleri, 03/06/1958
Venezia, Giardini di Castello e Arsenale, XXIX Esposizione Biennale Internazionale d’Arte, 14/06 - 19/10/1958
Nürnberg, Fränkische Galerie der Stadt, Malerei des jungen italien, 29/06 - 27/07/1958
Charleroi, Palais des Expositions, L’Art du XXI Siècle, 05/07 - 14/09/1958
Pittsburgh, Museum of Art - Carnegie Institute, The 1958 Pittsburgh International Exhibition of Contemporary Painting and Sculptures, 05/12/1958 - 08/02/1959