Georg Baselitz. Vedova accendi la luce
A solo exhibition held at the Fondazione Emilio e Annabianca Vedova in Venice is the occasion to investigate the brand new production by Georg Baselitz.
The new 17 works, which are all large vertical canvases (3 x 2.12 metres), are broken down into two series: one series of 7 canvases dedicated to Emilio Vedova, and the other of 10 canvases depicting Baselitz’s wife, Elke. The titles of the works on Vedova, characterized by the Witz, or jokes, with which Baselitz enjoys catching out his audience, allow us to grasp certain details regarding the longstanding friendship between the two artists. Similarly, in the series of works with Elke, the jocular titles and the Speiseeis (Ice Cream) theme offer a playful, colourful and poetic depiction of the woman who has shared the artist’s life for more than sixty years.
Edited by Marsilio Editori and
Fondazione Emilio e
Annabianca Vedova
Language: italian/english
Format: 23 x 29 cm
Pages: 96
Price: 29 euro