In April/May makes his first visit to the United States where he remains through to July: an exhibition of drawings, collages, and graphic design is organized in the Institute of Contemporary Arts in Washington alongside an exhibition of small drawings and drawings by Henry Moore. In addition, he is invited to hold a series of slide lecutures of the plurimi (Cleveland – Institute of Contemporary Arts, Detroit – Detroit Institute of Arts, Madison – University of Wisconsin, Providence – Institute of Design, Chicago - Art Institute, Philadelphia – University of Philadelphia, Washington – Institute of Contemporary Art).
Recruited to relaunch the International Salzburg Summer Academy, after Oskar Kokoschka, its founder. He would continue to teach there for the next four years (1965-1969), expanding it from 36 students (1965) to 205 in 1969. Foreign students also begin to frequent his studio and laboratories in Venice from 1965 onwards, often making extended or repeat stays.